Secure Transport,
Better Rates
Affordable, Respectful Transport for Behavioral Management & Substance Abuse Rehab
Efficient Transport Services for Mental Health Patients
Are you wasting valuable revenue using Ambulance Services to transport Mental Health Patients from your Emergency Room to Psychiatric and Drug Abuse Facilities?
Lovisa Medical Transport provides safe, considerate, and respectful transportation for individuals suffering from mental health disorders who require rehabilitation for behavioral management or substance abuse-related issues. By recognizing the right and respect for the patient’s privacy, all of our vehicles are unmarked with tinted windows and specifically equipped to provide a comfortable seating area that prevents elopement during transport. We make every effort during transport to ensure that the patient is comfortable and treated with dignity. Our goal is to minimize the patient’s stress during transport and to ease the transition to their destination while always being alert to safety issues.
Long-distance transport is available, Call us or complete the contact form today for a quote!
Lovisa Medical Transport was created in 2010 by Frank Vigiano, a lifelong native of Herrin, who spent over 25 years in law enforcement and retired second in command with the Herrin Police Department. He wanted to specifically address the complex and often difficult transportation of adolescents and adults who, for their safety or the safety of others, require supervision in a secure setting during transport from the Emergency Room to the Psychiatric or Substance Abuse Facility.
Our company understands the unique circumstances surrounding people with mental health disorders. Our team recognizes these issues can affect anyone and can range from common issues or temporary incapacity right through to serious long-term conditions. Our staff are trained to provide safe transport and understand the necessity of maintaining patient confidentiality (HIPPA).
We service the Heartland. Our service area includes Southern and Central Illinois, Eastern Missouri, Metro-East, Southwestern Indiana, and Western Kentucky. Need transportation outside our service area? Contact us via our contact form or call for a proposal. Our services are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Our 24-hour dispatch center is ready to take your call.

Why Us?
- Our services are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
- One call is all it takes to dispatch one of our transport vehicles.
- We Use Only Expert, Skilled Drivers. Most with backgrounds in law enforcement and medical services.
- Cost Effective - Less expensive than an Ambulance without compromising patient care.
- Safety of Staff and Patients - Prolonged emergency room stays are associated with an increased risk of symptom exacerbation or elopement for patients with mental health/substance abuse issues. External stimuli from the busy emergency department can increase patient anxiety and agitation, which is potentially harmful to both patients and staff.
- Prompt Response Time - The primary goal in most emergency departments is to keep the patient safe until they can be transported to another awaiting facility, which limits staff and delays care unnecessarily for other emergency patients.
- Risk Management - Mental health patients have the right to safe transport that minimizes interference with their rights, dignity, and self-respect and reduces the likelihood they will experience the transport as a traumatic event. This right, however, needs to be balanced with the safety of all concerned and the active management of risk.
- Our reputation is built both on professionalism and the assurance that every patient who travels with us is treated with the care they need and the dignity they deserve. Our service remains founded on these values, and they continue to form an integral part of our ongoing staff training.
- Different Monthly Payment Options Available – Contracted set rate based on turnaround time and volume, or option to be billed as Fee-For-Service.
- Free Monthly Customized Reports